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Contributing to a sustainable supply chain

Cycling is an efficient, healthy, but above all a sustainable form of mobility. For longer distances, an electric bicycle is a good option. Cycling is always a green choice.

At Elvedes we are proud to be part of the bicycle industry and to make a positive contribution to sustainability. Our bicycle parts are of high quality, which means they last longer. In other words, sustainable.

Enhancing the sustainability of the work environment

In 2015, we moved into our new concrete commercial building, which has its climatic advantages in both summer and winter. To make the building even more sustainable, we installed solar panels at the end of 2023 and switched completely to LED lighting. We have said goodbye to disposable coffee mugs for some time now; all employees have mugs with their names on them.

Sustainable relationships key to success

At Elvedes, sustainability is not limited to just our products and packaging; it also includes the relationships we nurture. We strive for sustainable relationships with both our customers, our suppliers, and our team. Sustainable relationships are an essential part of our corporate culture. We see the long-term relationships we have with our customers, suppliers, and with our employees as one of the keys to our success.

Improving quality

We always strive for better quality to make our products last even longer. Our sustainability starts with products that last longer and need to be replaced less quickly. For example: our bearings contain more grease than average bearings and all Elvedes outer casing has MoS2 PE Liner for less friction, better performance and longer lifespan.

Optimizing logistics

Efficiency in our logistics processes is crucial. Through smart logistics choices, we ensure that CO2 emissions are kept to a minimum. For example, we send backorders with a subsequent order to avoid unnecessary transport. Of course in accordance with our customers.

Sustainability in packaging

At Elvedes, we are dedicated to minimizing our impact on the environment, including when it comes to packaging. We continue reducing the amount of packaging material and move progressively to more sustainable packaging solutions.